UNEDITED: Flexible Athlete Identity vs Inflexible Personal Identity

UNEDITED: Flexible Athlete Identity vs Inflexible Personal Identity

We heard you loud & clear: you want more athlete’s stories, so we responded. Today, we launch Flame Bearers: UNEDITED, a new video and podcast series celebrating the journeys of elite women athletes from around the world at all phases of their journeys: seeking their first international qualifications, a the pinnacle of their careers, and after retirement. In this largely UNEDITED series, we’ll meet more athletes than ever before, all at various stages of their paths. This series is different not only because we’re broadening who we’re featuring, but how we’re doing so. In the spirit of bringing you MORE STORIES, the tradeoff is fewer bells + whistles (i.e. animations & fancy sound effects than we normally include in our productions). We think it’s worth the trade off so we can elevate more women doing incredible work — we’d love to hear your thoughts.

To launch this new series, we’re kickin’ things into gear with Skyler. Skyler is a baker, writer and podcaster (links below), proud dog mom, and a Paralympic tandem pilot. Not sure what that means? As Skyler shares, “Priority number one is always keeping Hannah safe when we ride. My responsibility is to be her eyes and make sure she feels empowered in her journey.”

In today’s conversation, we hear how Skyler grew up with multiple incredible female athletic role models (including her aunt, an athlete whose name you definitely know…). As Skyler shares, even at an early age, “I was taught most to just follow what was exciting to me, and I’ve been really supported in that way, which I’ve been really lucky.”

We talk how she got into para sports and what she wants to dispel about para sports. She shares, “The biggest thing I want to dispel is the idea that para-sports are easy. These athletes are dealing with challenges that make training and racing more difficult, but it’s just as competitive as able-bodied sports.”

Check out Skyler’s podcast, Sports with Sky and Miche: https://open.spotify.com/show/3X8syAf6Py30nD2tCUGTc2?si=8c3e3c58a1874888

Check out Skyler’s blog here: https://empowerwomensports.wordpress.com/

📸: @cbgphoto
📝: photo of Skyler and Hannah at World Championships