Madeleine McAffe & Tanya Beths (Australia): Managing Careers, Health & Beach Handball

Madeleine McAffe & Tanya Beths (Australia): Managing Careers, Health & Beach Handball

Madeleine (Maca) and Tanya are close friends who play for the Australian beach handball team. They both juggle full time jobs: Maca is a lawyer and Tanya a teacher. Tanya also has ulcerative colitis.

In this episode, Maca and Tanya discuss the pressures of managing professional careers and health on top of being elite athletes.

Experts interviewed include Debbie Beths (Tanya’s mother), Dr. Steven D. Pearson (President, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review), Dr. Leonora Risse (Applied Economist, RMIT University), Ebiye Jeremy Udo-Udoma (USA Men’s Beach Handball Team), and Janet McAffe (Madeleine’s mother).

Audio clips from YouTube’s Beach Handball – China vs Australia, ANOC World Beach Games Qatar 2019, Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all “have it all”?, and Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead.